Has Your Partner Become More Like a Roommate? 4 Ways to Reconnect

Long hours at work and juggling responsibilities with home and family can sometimes feel like they take priority. As a result, our family members and especially our partners can become like strangers to us.


One way to support our well-being is to focus on feeding our relationships. Instead of assuming that our partner understands that we are stressed and too busy to spend time with them, it is vital to make an effort in even small ways to stay connected. By nurturing our most precious...

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Commuting - From Hectic to Peaceful

Like my dad, I'm all about efficiency. When I get in the car, I have my route mapped out in my head before I even buckle my seatbelt. My brain scans the streets, considers the weather and time of day, and the probability of running into slow drivers. Yep, I don't mess around. I like to get from point A to point B in the fastest and smoothest way possible. "Don't get in my way!"

The trouble with traveling this way is that the trip becomes about the challenge of getting there without...
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Are You a News Junkie?

Call me an info geek. I love reading and watching the news to a fault. If I wake up at 2 am, I'll check every news app on my phone to find out the latest local, political, health, environmental, and entertainment news. On Sundays, I relish the morning with a cup of coffee while watching CBS Sunday Morning. But in recent years, my drive for news has changed.

I started to notice how my body reacted to the news, and it wasn't positive. Story after story included guns, deception, and health...
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Waiting for the Unknown

The unknown can be a scary place for those of us who tend to overthink in the negative. And the waiting that is often involved can make our overactive brains go into overdrive.


Perhaps you are in this waiting period right now. Maybe you are waiting for news from a family member, waiting for a court case to be decided, waiting for medical test results, waiting to hear back about a job, etc. I recently received news that I need to go back to the doctor for a diagnostic mammogram and...

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What is in Your Bag?


When I stumbled on this quote by Hannah Brencher online, it gave me pause. When was the last time I stopped and looked at what I was carrying with me? The answer - probably never. I'm a packrat at heart with teaching resources that span age 3 through high school. I haven't been able to get rid of them since I subscribe to the attitude "you never know when you might need that." You can imagine that this hoarding of teaching materials most likely extends to the hoarding of memories,...

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Sound Bath, Anyone?

I'm all about trying new ways to relax, so when I heard about a sound bath event in my area, I signed up hoping to be transported to a tranquil place in my mind. Little did I know that this experience would be jarring, but powerful just the same.

My imagination prepared me for a light dinging of bells and perhaps a gentle gong. My fellow bathers had come prepared with blow-up mattresses, fuzzy blankets, and silk eye masks, for heaven's sake. What I experienced, instead, was being...
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Face Your Fear

In 2019, I went on an eleven day trip to Spain after not having traveled internationally for 19 years (not counting my honeymoon in Mexico.) My fear had gotten the best of me. After giving birth to my daughter, I found myself fearing separation from her and my family. I wanted to avoid any situation that could put me at risk of dying and I saw flying as a death trap. I knew the only way I was going to beat my fear was to travel. Luckily, the trip to Spain came at the right time and I...

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Best Day Ever

When my daughter was a kindergartener, she greeted the world optimistically. I remember one week in particular when she taught me an awesome lesson in attitude. It was a Thursday night, and I was tucking her into bed, she reflected that the last five days have been the "best day ever." She added, "And tomorrow is going to be the best day ever! You know what, Mommy? Every day is the best day ever!" My heart melted. My little philosopher just gave me the best gift - modeling the attitude that...

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