Face Your Fear

Jul 25, 2023
The wing of a plane

In 2019, I went on an eleven day trip to Spain after not having traveled internationally for 19 years (not counting my honeymoon in Mexico.) My fear had gotten the best of me. After giving birth to my daughter, I found myself fearing separation from her and my family. I wanted to avoid any situation that could put me at risk of dying and I saw flying as a death trap. I knew the only way I was going to beat my fear was to travel. Luckily, the trip to Spain came at the right time and I hesitantly said "yes." For months, I anticipated every aspect of the plane ride and freaked myself out. But I continued to work on acknowledging my feelings and sticking with my plan to travel.


And I'm pleased to report that the whole trip went without any issue! I was shockingly relaxed and enjoyed the process of traveling. I'm sad for my pre-trip self and how I spent so much energy worrying. My challenge to you is to take stock of your fears. How might you face one of your fears this coming week? What might be some small steps you can take to rip the bandaid? Your future self will thank you for facing your fear.