Waiting for the Unknown

Jul 27, 2023

The unknown can be a scary place for those of us who tend to overthink in the negative. And the waiting that is often involved can make our overactive brains go into overdrive.


Perhaps you are in this waiting period right now. Maybe you are waiting for news from a family member, waiting for a court case to be decided, waiting for medical test results, waiting to hear back about a job, etc. I recently received news that I need to go back to the doctor for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The wait between receiving that news and my next appointment has been an exercise in mental toughness.


For those of you who are waiting for the unknown (including myself), I put together some reminders that hopefully bring you direction during this unnerving time.


πŸ“Œ Be aware of the stories you are telling yourself! Don't go down the rabbit hole of "what if . . . " It's not worth your energy to dream up different scenarios (especially negative ones.) Believe in your ability to deal with what presents itself to you. Trust that you will take appropriate action once you know what is going on.


πŸ“Œ Follow your own advice. Think about what you would advise a friend going through the same situation. How would you support them? What would you encourage them to do during this waiting period? The answers to these questions should guide how you proceed.


πŸ“Œ Schedule self-care. The waiting you are experiencing could be short-term or long-term. No matter how long, be sure to add activities to your day that bring you peace, joy, and relaxation. These activities can be as small as making yourself some tea before bed nightly or as extravagant as booking a hotel room for the weekend to escape.


πŸ“Œ Honor your feelings; avoid numbing behaviors. Let yourself feel whatever you are feeling during the wait. Write about it in a journal, take a reflective walk, or talk to a good friend. I caution you against online shopping, alcohol, or other addictive behaviors that may distract you from going inside yourself. Especially when the timeline around the unknown is long, these choices may build upon themselves and make things worse for you.


When the unknown feels like a dark cloud, take good care that you are shining your light through it. Be in control of what you can control and enjoy each breath of the day.


​In what ways do you keep yourself level-headed during periods of waiting?