Commuting - From Hectic to Peaceful

Jul 29, 2023
driving in a car early in the morning

Like my dad, I'm all about efficiency. When I get in the car, I have my route mapped out in my head before I even buckle my seatbelt. My brain scans the streets, considers the weather and time of day, and the probability of running into slow drivers. Yep, I don't mess around. I like to get from point A to point B in the fastest and smoothest way possible. "Don't get in my way!"

The trouble with traveling this way is that the trip becomes about the challenge of getting there without obstacles. And as we all know, we are bound to run into barriers - excessive stoplights, road construction, distracted drivers, etc. Instead of an enjoyable ride, I can easily fall into the trap of feeling frustrated by what is in my way.
A few years ago, I discovered a different way to travel for myself. Just like Marie Kondo encourages us to "find joy" in the items in our homes, I decided to choose the more joyful path to my destinations. I found a way to my workplace that was scenic with limited stoplights. Even though it took me a bit longer to drive to work, I enjoyed observing the changing of the seasons along my way. I felt like I was cruising to work rather than battling the bottleneck.
Much of our days consist of the habits that we create, including how we get from place to place. I challenge you to consider your route the next time you get in your car. Is there a way to get there that is more joyful but would still allow you to arrive at a decent time? You have permission to pamper yourself in this way. Today is a gift, and you should gift yourself with beautiful experiences.

Are there other ways you have learned to travel well?