Best Day Ever

Jul 25, 2023
Mother and daughter by the water

When my daughter was a kindergartener, she greeted the world optimistically. I remember one week in particular when she taught me an awesome lesson in attitude. It was a Thursday night, and I was tucking her into bed, she reflected that the last five days have been the "best day ever." She added, "And tomorrow is going to be the best day ever! You know what, Mommy? Every day is the best day ever!" My heart melted. My little philosopher just gave me the best gift - modeling the attitude that I should have every day. Shouldn't every day we are alive be the best day ever?


Since our talk, I have adopted the "best day ever" mentality - seeing the gifts in the day's routine tasks, errand running, and surprises. I know I won't be perfect at applying this every day, but having her little voice in the back of my head sure helps to push me more toward gratitude. May you see your day of meetings, commutes, and challenging co-workers with new eyes. Perhaps it is the best day ever.