What is in Your Bag?

Jul 26, 2023


When I stumbled on this quote by Hannah Brencher online, it gave me pause. When was the last time I stopped and looked at what I was carrying with me? The answer - probably never. I'm a packrat at heart with teaching resources that span age 3 through high school. I haven't been able to get rid of them since I subscribe to the attitude "you never know when you might need that." You can imagine that this hoarding of teaching materials most likely extends to the hoarding of memories, experiences, feelings, and beliefs.

I love the imagery of the bag and thinking through what I might take out. I feel lighter just thinking about pulling out worry of the unknown, negative self-talk, and the belief that I am not enough. Why do I let old wounds stick around and influence me today? It's time to sit down with this bag and do some re-packing. I'm ready to move forward with a lighter weight on my shoulders.

What about you? What are you ready to leave behind? What is critical for you to keep in your bag? 🎒