❤️ Kind to Strangers, Tough on Loved Ones? A Reflection on Our Energy ❤️

Sep 01, 2023
If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love.
How often do we find ourselves extending a warm smile to a stranger, offering our seat to someone on the bus, or engaging in small acts of kindness with those we don't know? It feels good, right? Now, think about the last time you snapped at a family member or showed impatience with a close friend. It's a puzzling paradox, isn't it? Sometimes, we're more generous and patient with those we barely know and less forgiving with those who are closest to us.
Why do we sometimes misalign our energy in this way? Perhaps we take our loved ones for granted, thinking they'll always be there, and we let our guards down. Maybe we hold them to higher standards. Or possibly, we forget that they too need our kindness, understanding, and love.
It's time to reflect and realign. Let's strive to extend the same warmth, patience, and compassion we show to strangers to the people who mean the most to us. After all, they are the ones who share our lives, our joys, and our sorrows.
If this resonates with you, take a moment to appreciate someone close to you today. A hug, a thank you, or a simple "I love you" can change everything.
Share this to spread awareness and encourage a realignment of energy where it matters most. 💫 #LoveAndKindness #EnergyAlignment 🌷