Well-being is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing self-reflection and self-compassion.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings. Showing up as we are leads to genuine connections with others.


We possess the power to shape our thoughts, choices, and ultimate path in life.



Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we desire.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and intentional living.



As an instructional coach in a bustling school and a new mom, my days were a whirlwind of responsibilities and obligations. From meticulously packing the diaper bag each morning to missing my daughter while at work, I constantly felt pulled in different directions. The longing to be with my family was strong, yet exhaustion often greeted me when I finally arrived home. It was during this chaotic time that an unexpected challenge presented itself, opening the door to a profound transformation.

In my quest to serve others well and create lasting family memories, I set impossibly high standards for myself. As an empath, I carried the weight of others' stories and struggles, often neglecting my own needs. Balancing work, motherhood, and maintaining a sense of self seemed like an insurmountable challenge. The demands on my time and energy left me feeling depleted and constantly striving for an unattainable version of success.

One fateful day, a panic attack struck me while I was driving with my young daughter in the backseat. Feeling overwhelmed by the surrounding traffic, I felt a claustrophobic urgency to escape - almost jumping the curb with my car to get out. Fear consumed me, and the idea of driving became a source of anxiety. It was clear that I needed to seek help and regain control of my life. I reconnected with my therapist and started a new journey deep-diving into myself.

I realized that prioritizing my own well-being was vital for my own growth and the well-being of those around me. I delved into practices like conscious breathing, meditation, and prioritizing quality sleep. I learned to slow down, to savor the present moment rather than being consumed by the constant need to achieve. It was during this process that I recognized how I had been holding my breath, both metaphorically and literally.

Despite engaging in self-care, I continued to struggle. Panic attacks persisted, leaving me feeling helpless and dependent on others. It was during this phase of reflection and journaling that I began to uncover the toxic beliefs poisoning my mind. I held onto the belief that being needed was evidence of my worth, neglecting my own needs and losing sight of my true self. I felt bound by societal expectations, sacrificing my own well-being for the sake of conformity.

In a moment of clarity, I realized that the beliefs I held about myself were false constructs. I reframed and retrained my mind to see the truth: I am more than enough, deserving of love and care, and my existence holds inherent value. Letting go of the need to please others and embracing my own needs allowed me to reconnect with my authentic self.

As I continue on my path, prioritizing my well-being and checking in with myself have become top priorities. Regular reflection has taught me that growth and learning are lifelong processes. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to examine their own beliefs and discover how they may be holding themselves back. The picture of me ready to take a spin in my friend's Miata convertible with the wind in our hair, a symbol of freedom, serves as a reminder of the progress I've made and the endless possibilities that await.

In the end, my journey behind the wheel has been a catalyst for self-discovery, offering me the chance to reclaim my life and find harmony amidst the chaos. May we all find the strength to reflect, reframe our beliefs, and nurture our own well-being, knowing that our existence holds immeasurable value.

I'm sitting in the driver's seat of my friend's red Mazda Miata convertible.
"I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Emily on several occasions, and each time, I was so impressed by how she encouraged me and guided me into self-reflection, using thoughtful questions, patience, and compassion to help me tackle my concerns. Emily isn't a stranger to the issues facing teachers today, and she truly wants to help us navigate those challenges and come out stronger on the other side, both personally and professionally."
Jill M.

"It is easy to connect with Emily. She makes it safe to look inward and identify the changes that are important to me. She always takes things from learning to action, so I can take the steps I need to live the life I want. "

Janelle C.